Sunday, October 30, 2005

Wow the week has whizzed by and I haven't posted an update - so here it is!

We've had a week of great weather, resulting in 4 BBQ dinners! Mostly just Brendan and Ciara and I (although Ciara has yet to progress on to bbq'd snags), but last night we had friends around, so of course the good weather went away and we thought it was going to rain! In the end it didn't rain, but it certainly wasn't good enough for sitting outside.

Brendan is still studying hard, first exam tomorrow, and Nicci is starting to think about what to take on our upcoming trip.

Hope you are all well,

Take care,

Nicci, Brendan and Ciara

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Good Evening - wow it's Friday again, so must be time for a new post!

We have had a very busy week - Brendan is studying. Yesterday we went and had a lovely lunch with Beth and Tom and then visited their almost finished house, which is fabulous!

Today we had carpet laid in our lounge and master bedroom - yah yah yah! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to finally be rid of the olive green shagpile!

Hope you're all well, take care,

Nicci, Brendan and Ciara

Friday, October 14, 2005

Tena koe,

Yah it's Friday - don't know why I say that really because now that Brendan is on study leave one day is very much like another around here! Yep, that's right Brendan has officially finished his lectures and labs of his undergrad degree and once his exams are finished will be ready to graduate BSc! December graduation (14th December) has now been cancelled for Brendan because we decided it was just too close to our return from the UK (on the 12th), and there was too much likelihood that Ciara and/or Nicci would end up missing the ceremony. We'll look at it again for the April ceremony. Brendan has 2 exams and I have just the one, so not long now until study is over for the year. Hope this finds you all well. Off to make a cup of tea now. Oh by the way that's pumpkin that's going down with great gusto!

Take care,


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Kia ora,

It's a chilly Tuesday here, and I am feeling a lot better than yesterday! I was up all the early hours of Monday morning with a tummy bug, which fortunately only lasted 6 hours (but it took all day yesterday to recover!). Brendan was SuperDad and looked after Ciara and I very well, with trips to the local garage to pamper to my whims (a chocolate bar at 8pm last night! - I wouldn't have thought it a good idea, but it was just what I felt like and it worked a treat!). The wee girl is asleep now after a huge lunch of kumara and mashed banana and milk - yummy!

Take care,


Friday, October 07, 2005

Greetings all, this is the wee girl about 3 weeks ago showing how good she is getting at tummy time! Daddy thinks she looks like Casper with those big blue eyes!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Greetings. Ciara is splashing around in her bath, which Dad gives her every night. I take the opportunity to catch up on emails, blogs etc!

It's been a lovely sunny day here (thank goodness as the washing was piling up!), and the evening is still nice and light thanks to Daylight Savings.

Hope you're all well, take care,

Hi All,

It's now 5/10/05. Brendan pretty happy this morning - when he finished feeding wee girl all her baby rice and pumpkin she gave a big contented sigh and said 'Ahhhh Dada'. Brendan's eyes nearly popped out of his head and he said to me 'Did you HEAR that?' Have to confess I did, and it was very cute. Take care, Nicci

PS You can post comments here for quick reply if you want to.
Wee girl chilling out (Sept 2005)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hi All,

Welcome, this is the place to catch up with Brendan, Nicci & Ciara and see what they've been up to. Today we had a great lunch out at the university where Ciara enjoyed visiting her Dad.

Tonight Mum and Dad had carrot cake to celebrate Brendan's birthday, and Ciara wolfed down all her pumpkin!

Take care,

Nicci, Brendan & Ciara